I'm so excited when another blogger is interested in an idea of mine, or wants a guest post! I love connecting with other bloggers and their readers. Below are sites that have featured me, I've guest posted for, or that have nominated me for an award.

Pizza Baked Spaghetti featured in weekly meal plan at Org Junkie
Mocha Brownies featured in a link round-up from Smart Mom Style
Orange Julius featured in 15 Mothers Day Brunch Recipes at Taylor House
Chinese Coleslaw featured in 12 Super Summer Sides Round-Up at Cook and Craft Me Crazy
Featured in Pretty Things {14} on blog twelveOeight
Shout out for my math projects (Pi Day pie and Calculator cake) from The Maker Mom
Weekly featured Indiana blogger in March for Little Indiana
Baking Contributor at Plucky's Second Thought
Guest Posts at -

Honorable Mention for Pi Day Pie contest - nominated by Accidental Stepmom
Liebster Award - nominated by Turnips 2 Tangerines
Liebster Award - nominated by Chatting Over Chocolate

Pizza Baked Spaghetti featured in weekly meal plan at Org Junkie
Mocha Brownies featured in a link round-up from Smart Mom Style
Orange Julius featured in 15 Mothers Day Brunch Recipes at Taylor House
Chinese Coleslaw featured in 12 Super Summer Sides Round-Up at Cook and Craft Me Crazy
Featured in Pretty Things {14} on blog twelveOeight
Shout out for my math projects (Pi Day pie and Calculator cake) from The Maker Mom
Weekly featured Indiana blogger in March for Little Indiana
Baking Contributor at Plucky's Second Thought
Guest Posts at -

Honorable Mention for Pi Day Pie contest - nominated by Accidental Stepmom
Liebster Award - nominated by Turnips 2 Tangerines
Liebster Award - nominated by Fresh Juniper
Liebster Award - nominated by Chatting Over Chocolate
Liebster Award - nominated by Sandling All Day
Sunshine Award - nominated by Chatting Over Chocolate